Our Strategy

Our Strategy, Autofitters, South African automotive industry, SA vehicle value chain logistics, Skills recruitment, Mark Dreyer CEO, people placement, scalable HR solutions, strategic outsourcing partner

Our Strategy

Our strategy has been carefully crafted so that it allows us to automatically fit into your vehicle company’s solutions in a way that everything just happens automagically for you. Think this sounds too good to be true? Chat to us and you will discover otherwise.

I do believe in simplicity. It is astonishing as well as sad, how many trivial affairs even the wisest thinks he must attend to in a day; how singular an affair he thinks he must omit. When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all incumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms. – Henry David Thoreau

Our strategy has been carefully crafted so that it allows us to automatically fit into your vehicle company’s solutions in a way that everything just happens automagically for you.

Think this sounds too good to be true? Chat to us and you will discover otherwise.

I do believe in simplicity. It is astonishing as well as sad, how many trivial affairs even the wisest thinks he must attend to in a day; how singular an affair he thinks he must omit. When the mathematician would solve a difficult problem, he first frees the equation of all incumbrances, and reduces it to its simplest terms.  – Henry David Thoreau

Autofitters loves to keep things simple because simple things work!

Ockham’s Razor states that all things being equal, the simplest and most direct solution with the fewest number of steps is usually the correct answer to any problem. It is a powerful philosophy named after William of Ockham who popularized the strategy centuries ago. The problem today, is that business leaders and entrepreneurs like to pride themselves on their originality, intelligence, and problem-solving skills. The thought of deciding on the “simplest” solution or the “too obvious” choice causes otherwise smart decision makers to bypass the right option. Most CEOs and business consultants are guilty of needlessly complicating business with complex spreadsheets, fancy jargon, or far-sighted business plans. That is why Autofitters purposely chooses to keep things simple. The simpler things are, the easier they are to measure. Importantly, what gets measured, gets focused on and what get focused on, gets results!

we FIT in automatically so things happen AUTOMAGICALLY

In a nutshell, Our Strategy is:

  • Customer Engagement

    Either you approach us (your pull), or we approach you (our push), with the desire to possibly do mutually beneficial business together.

  • Assess Needs

    We spend as much time as is required to fully assess, understand and unpack your needs which we then communicate back to you. This way you know that we know that we have understood.

  • Practical Solution

    Having understood your needs from the initial customer engagement, we now set about designing a simple, practical solution that will pragmatically address the challenges you face.

  • Everyone Understands

    Our practical problem-solving solution is communicated to everyone (as in all stakeholders) through multiple platforms. We go to extreme lengths to ensure that everyone understands.

  • Everyone Buys-In

    One of the most overlooked pieces of new business customer engagement is the need for everyone to have bought into the tabled solutions. We leave no stone unturned to achieve this!

  • Skills Recruitment

    Our strategy at Autofitters includes HR solutions. We place the right person into the right position. Our solution includes skills recruitment. This way we take this people headache away from you.

  • Implement Collaboratively

    Team and working collaboratively is a critically important component of our strategy at Autofitters. Whilst we are brilliant at what we do, we want you right there working with us.

Autofitters proudly Partners with Ground Effects and Derekh

Autofitters has a Vehicle Bedliner partnership with GFX LTD

Autofitters supplies PPE to the automotive industry through Derekh

Our Strategy

Our strategy has been carefully crafted so we fit into your company’s solutions

Value Chain

We fit automatically  into Automotive Industry value chains

HR Solutions

We help South Africa’s Motor Industry manage the Right Talent

Skills Recruitment

Great skills recruitment creates great performance success…